Monday, 3 October 2016

Apples and Reading Stamina

Alright, I am two weeks behind but they have been two wonderful but very busy  weeks. We met our reading stamina goal and grew our brains by leaps and bounds. This means that the entire class was able to read for 15 minutes. Reading at the beginning of the year in Kindergarten does not always mean reading the words. We begin by reading the pictures and predicting what we think the book is about. We also look for our letters of the week and punctuation marks. We also began our literacy Daily Five block. This is also the time that Ms. Ferguson and myself will pull reading groups. 

Yellow Day picture

Using our classroom tablets during Daily 5

Using our laptops during Daily 5

TAG Readers in use during Daily 5

Going Home :)

Last week we had fun learning all about apples and Johnny Appleseed. On Friday to finish all of our learning we made applesauce and tasted several different kinds of apples to see which one our class liked the best. 
Cutting apples to make apple sauce

Ms. Ferguson leading the apple cutting

More apple cutting

We like the Gala "pink" apples the best!
Our apple sauce was delicious. Here is how we made it. We cut Gala apples into tiny pieces and put them in the crock pot with "real" apple juice and cinnamon (you could use water and sugar instead). We cooked them from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm on low in the crock pot. They smelled so delicious!

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